Super Christian debuted at the 168 Film Festival with the support of most of its cast and crew. From left to right starting with the back row, we have Marvin Paige, The producer of our theme song Super Christian (fabulous job you made my lyrics come to life), The gorgeous talented Melody Paige our star and lead vocals for the song Super Christian, Marvin Jr. supporting vocals for Super Christian, Keith Davis guide, Paul Moran cinematographer, Crystal Dickerson Pen Girl and friend, LaChair Dickerson Homework Girl and friend, Yolanda Davis craft services and extra, Brianna Chatman Mercy Girl and friend, AJ Baltazar (he is just a cutie), Kaja Baltazar friend, LaShunda Smith (me), Kyla Baltazar extra and grip
After the showing the kids got to walk the red carpet and meet Nathan Kress Star of iCarly
AND….. Here is the film. Enjoy.