A Few Of My Favorite Things


Normally this time of year has me reflecting on the previous year’s highlights, month by month. This year I thought I’d do something different and share some of my favorites from 2014 here with you.


My Fav – Ok so you know he had to be on here right? It is after all a list of favorites.

Favorite Dish : Zucchini “spaghetti” made with organically grown veggies from our garden


Favorite Book : I am an avid reader, and if you’d asked me at another time of the year my answer may have been different, but this book is reawakening something in me that went into hibernation,Reckless Faith: Let Go and Be Led by Beth Guckenberger.  I bought a couple for some friends too.

Favorite New Feature Film : Mom’s Night Out. HILARIOUS!

Moms' Night Out 

Favorite Film on Repeat : Facing The Giants

Favorite Christmas Song (even though my all-time favorite song is “Oh Holy Night”) : “O Come O Come Emanuel”

Favorite YouTube Personality : Willie Moore Jr. #FlatOut!

Favorite Stress Relief : Crocheting Slippers (approx. 26 in all not shown)


Favorite Show : Face Off (thanks Yo for recording them!)

Favorite Image : Made by My Fav at Mono Lake


Favorite Destination : Um… Scottsdale? Tahoe? Any place with my Fav. I love being where he is (mostly, He is rather more adventurous than I am, I tend to be quite shy and he is not. At ALL)


Favorite Songs : Ok these are just the MOST repeated ones this year because my list is super long

Oceans by Hillsong United, The Anthem feat. William Murphy – F.G.B.C.F.I Ministry of Worship, Revelation Song by Kari Jobe, You Paid it All by Wes Morgan, Adoration by Forever Jones, Messengers by LeCrae, Psalm 23 by Jeff Majors, Psalm 23 by Juanita Bynum, Where You Are by Lisa McClendon, oh and That Girl by Justin Timberlake (I Know I know…but really it is a great song and I can’t get it out of my head!).


Favorite Moments : Car chats with my Fav, biking at Lake Tahoe, watching the LAST set of pups being born, laughing at said pups trying to walk for the first time on “wood” floors, getting my toes done with my mom, family feud nights with my sis, having my picture taken with ALL my siblings, watching my brother marry his forever mate, chatting… umm crocheting with my Craft Club, photographing foster families, watching my God daughter refuse to take off the knit hat and scarf set, and denim and lace vest I made for her, being in and harvesting from our garden, teasing my husband’s grandmother, worshipping with flags and scrimmers (a scarf streamer), singing loudly alone in my car, and every moment God reminds me He is near.

Have a blessed and filled Happy New Year!