Just a quick note and some exciting news I wanted to share. If you are in the L.A. or surrounding areas, pick up tomorrows LA Sentinel and check out the religion section to catch a quick article with images by us!
Just another WordPress site
Just a quick note and some exciting news I wanted to share. If you are in the L.A. or surrounding areas, pick up tomorrows LA Sentinel and check out the religion section to catch a quick article with images by us!
A couple of weeks ago, My Fav and I took off on our first , there-is-no-real-reason-to-go-vacation, driving through Northern Cal to Lake Tahoe. And it was beautiful!
We biked through the National Forest. 12 miles! Up hill! Both ways! Stopping to enjoy the historical sites and attractions along the way.
There was a display of ancient banjo’s and reproductions made by an awesome banjo maker who gave us an in depth private tour. You could really see his passion for what is truly a beautiful instrument
We went in a cave like structure cut near the lake where we were able to see a creek which runs along the lake. So cool
We saw mountains, we saw rivers,
we saw this guy and his cousins who I am convinced were plotting an attack on me!
And we stopped at Mono Lake and enjoyed its beauty as it is being restored. Why yes we are standing on what was the bottom of this massive lake, and yes that is a cave made by an animal that My Fav wanted to explore. Did I mention it was made by an ANIMAL?
In all we had a wonderful time learning to relax. Life truly is now. It’s not a destination you wait to get to. It can not be put off for later, you can not get more of it, you just have to live it. Every moment is a gift. We are finally treasuring our own.
Remember those dresses we made last year? Well I was just sent this link that shows what happened to them!
I feel good All over AGAIN! Thanks C.B. for being the industrious lady you are and finding this as well as sewing this dress and many others!
And thanks Y.D. and C.J. for participating The dresses look soo cute on these beautiful little girls.
We did a bit of good ladies. I am so elated, I think I feel another project coming on!
* Please note these images are not mine. No plagiarism nor copyright infringement is intended, I just wanted to share.
Home going services always tend to put me in a reflective mood. On the one hand family from near and far gather together sometimes after years of absence (kids grow up so fast!), stories are told, history and love are shared, comfort is given, and relationships are strengthened.
On the other hand you tend to realize the importance of the people who are in your life and the relationships that you have. People are important, and we should enjoy each other now, take time now to share love and laughter.
Today we gathered to celebrate the life and mourn the loss of my uncle. A man who was well spoken of, fondly cared for and lovingly remembered as a husband, father, brother, uncle, and true friend. A man who served God, family, community and friends.
It’s that time again!. Many have asked me about the annual Prayer Breakfast that we have been blessed to be a part of documenting for that last few years. Well it is upon us! Here is a teaser from last years event
And the information you need to know if you wanted to attend this years event! Hurry there are only a few seats left!
“Dedicated to Sisterhood, Excellence in Ministry, and Surrendered Service to the Body of Christ”
9th Annual Prayer Breakfast & Torch Awards
July 19, 2014, 8:30 a.m.
The Grand Long Beach Event Center
4101 E. Willow Street
Long Beach, CA 90815
Donation: $30.00
ONLY 25 TICKETS AVAILABLE – No tickets will be sold at the door.
Contact via email : info@sistersinministry.org
Money due no later than Friday, July 11, 2014
This is a story about a man and a woman who chose to live their lives God’s way. To raise their family to honor and love God, and each other. Who now get to enjoy the fruit of their love filled labor, in the peace filled, joyful lives, of their daughter, son, and daughter in love, along with the pleasure of seeing their brilliant grandchildren glean from a legacy of love.
It is a true saying that love grows when it is shared. It deepens over time. It becomes flooded with compassion, acceptance, generosity. The more it is given and received the sweeter it becomes.
May all your generations continually be drenched, completely saturated with love.
You have been teased.
Wednesday July 2, 2014, we decided to harvest our largest Zucchini. An organic heirloom variety we planted from seed back in April/May. Really I had intended to allow it to remain on the vine until we could harvest no more as I wanted to get seed for next year. Alas, it began growing into the border of its bed and we couldn’t shift it higher thinking it might break so harvest it we did.
Now I must say. We knew it was large, but under all those leaves, we couldn’t see just how ginormous it really was!
About 18 inches long, 15 inches around, and 5in high! Truly it could have grown much bigger. Like most squash, it will continue to grow, as long as it gets the water and nutrients it needs, if it remains on the “vine”. So I think we will try again with another one to see how big we can maintain one. Maybe not so close to the border though!
Happy Independence Day!
Over the mountains, through the hills, trudging past deserts, dales and glens, to the oceans’ side, drenched by high tides, hunted by cats and lizards. And all of it was worth it to share in the excitement of a lifelong love story being written on the hearts of this gentle couple.
May all your days be filled to overflow with gentleness, kindness, patience, love, forgiveness, unity, encouragement, joy, peace, companionship, accomplishment, laughter and adventure!
You have been teased!